World Cat Show|Fluff is the stuff at World Cat Show

The world cat show has taken place in Poland. Nearly 1500 furry felines have been strutting their stuff in front of animal lovers, breeders, and TV cameras. Let’s find out which cuddly kitty took the top prize.
The World Cat Show is organized each year by members of the International Felinological Federation, as known as FiFe.
The gathering attracted 1,475 cats. There were Russian Blues, Siamese, Balinese, British moggies and American Maine Coons – cats come from all over the globe.

The first World CFA standard Maine Coon breed was held in 1990 in Munich, Germany.
Only cats registered with FiFe can take part in the show. And it is also an opportunity for cat’s owners to communicate.
Dorota Rudzinska, a cat breeder, said, “Mice have taurine which cats don’t produce.

That’s why in their premium food there is taurine, which strengthens their eyes and their condition. Cats should be fed with high-class food, a premium food because it contains all components needed for healthy growth.”
During the event, cats are individually judged and nominated for Best in Show.

The cats judged the Best in Show also get the title of the World Winner, which is added to the cat’s pedigree records.
The star of the show this year was a Maine Coon – one of the oldest breeds in North America. The breed’s noted for its hunting skills, large bone structure and long, flowing coat.

Albert Kurkowski, an organizer, said, “The winner should be a world’s champion, should meet the standards of the breed, be very well prepared, have an excellent character and should look as if it deserves the title of champion.”
The World Cat Show took place on October 29th and 30th at the Poznan International Fair.