Persian Cats Life Expectancy

Want to know about the life expectancy of Persian cats? Find out how long Persian cats can live and the factors that influence its life expectancy

The Persian cat tops the list for cat lovers around the world. The unique looks and stunning beauty coupled with the gentle and loving nature of Persian cats make them excellent pets.

But how long do these pets live? In general, the Persian cats have a life expectancy of 15-18 years, which is how long you can expect to have this pet with you.

This is not to say that all Persian cats reach that age, or none cross it. In fact, some Persian cat owners claim to have a 27-year-old Persian cat.

Others lose their cats in less than ten years. Several factors can influence the life expectancy of Persian cats beyond what is naturally expected of them.

Persian Cat Diet

The eating habits of the Persian cat can have a profound effect on their life expectancy. In general, the diet of the Persian cat is composed of chicken, raw meat, cat biscuits, and packaged cat food.

Persian cat is far more sensitive to food as compared to other normal cats. This is why Persian cat owners need to be careful about what they feed their cats as it is bound to affect their health.

In order to keep healthy Persian cats require a higher dose of vitamins than most other cats. There are many vitamin supplements especially prepared for Persian cats that can be purchased from supermarkets or pet stores.

If, however you feed your Persian cat a balanced diet from the start, you won’t need to purchase any supplements. Not only does the nature of the food given to the Persian matter but the quality matters as well.

In their early year’s Persian kittens should be fed with milk. As they grow older, they should be given soft foods like chicken and other foods rich in vitamins.

Once they cross the one year mark, you can start feeding them regular cat food with skin regeneration and anti-aging properties. Maintaining such healthy diet practices is bound to increase the life expectancy of your Persian cat.

What not to feed

One thing that Persian cat owners should remember is that Persians are lazy cats. If they are given human foods to eat, then they are likely to gain weight and may even cause them to die a lot sooner than their average life expectancy rate.

Persian Cat Hair Care

Persian cat owners need to take good care of the cat’s coat of long hair. Degeneration of the skin and hair will also significantly hamper the cat’s health.

In order to ensure that the cat maintains a healthy coat of hair, they need to be fed with plenty of vitamin B, zinc, and fatty acids.

If your Persian cat gets a sufficient dose of these vitamins, it will strengthen its coat of hair to resist the damage that can be caused by strong winds and rain, thereby increasing the life expectancy of your cat.