Most people don’t know that they are allergic to cats or pets in general until they adopt a kitten and start sneezing or start getting rashes. Rashes can be harmful, which is why it is essential to know if you are allergic to cats. However, even if you are, there are hypoallergenic cats for adoption, that can quickly solve your problem. These hypoallergenic cats produce fewer allergens as compared to other cats. It is important to note here that there is no cat, that is entirely non-allergenic, but a different choice under this breed will produce fewer allergies.
To better understand why you need hypoallergenic cat breeds, you need to understand what causes these cat-related allergies. It is not the fur of the cat, but a protein called Fel D1. This protein is found in the saliva of a cat, and whenever the cat sneezes, then you feel itchy, and our allergies act up. When the cat licks its coat, then the allergen-laden saliva becomes dry and airborne.
There are about seven hypoallergenic cat breeds that you can buy if you need a pet in your life.
Balinese is a cat that you can get through adoption. It is a cat that has long tapering lines and is a hypoallergenic cat breed. It is lithe, strong and muscular, and it is unique because of the range of colors that it can be found in; the coat of this breed is very silky, which is how the cat hides its supple and athletic figure. This is a very playful and active cat. When it comes to being friendly with other cats, then it is not very unfriendly or friendly either. It is helpful with children, and the grooming requirements of the cat breed are also deficient. However, it is a very vocal cat, which is what you must consider before buying it.
Oriental Short Hair
This is hypoallergenic cat breed because it has short hair, so there are fewer chances of you being affected by an allergy, due to the cat’s fur. Oriental is originally a svelte cat, which has long hair and tapering lines. It is lithe and muscular and stays in excellent physical condition. Oriental short hair is a playful cat and is active as well. Oriental is friendly to other pets, which is why it would be ideal for you if you have more than one pet. Further, it can be familiar with children, but for this, you have to work through.
It is a vocal hypoallergenic cat breed and shows a lot of affection towards its owner. It is an intelligent cat, has a constant need for attention, which is why it is not very independent, and the docility level of the cat is also low.
Javanese is a hypoallergenic cat breed, which is known for its faithfulness towards its owner. It is a cat that is clingy and will follow you wherever you go. They have many similar features to Siamese, but there are differences between the two as well, which are significant. Like the other two cats, Javanese is very playful, and it is active as well. It is not very friendly towards other pets, but it is friendly towards its children. If you have a family and children at your home, then this would be a good cat to buy.
The grooming requirements of this hypoallergenic cat breed are not very much. This cat is very local, shows affection towards its owner and is very clingy; it requires constant attention and is a brilliant cat.
If you are considering hypoallergenic cats for adoption, then this would be a good choice, because these cats are devoted and they are known to have excellent communication skills as well. If you want a cat that interacts with you now and then, Javanese would be the right option for you.
Devon Rex
Devon Rex
Devon Rex is a hypoallergenic cat breed, and it looks unique because of its appearance. It has large eyes, a short muzzle and the cat’s cheekbones are very prominent as well. The ears are enormous, and they give the cat a very elfin look. This cat is playful and active, but it is not very friendly towards children or other pets. The grooming requirements are low, and the best part is that the locality of the cat is low as well. It needs constant attention and showers attention towards its owner as well. Unlike the cats mentioned above, this cat is more independent and docile, and it is intelligent as well. The reason why it wants constant attention from its owners is that it is an inquisitive cat, who wants to know what is going around the house.
Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex is a hypoallergenic cat breed, which looks different from all the other races due to its appearance. It has a very wavy, racy and soft coat and the cat is also warm and heavy. The contours of the cat are curved. This cat is playful and active, but the main point here is that it is not very friendly to children or other pets. The grooming requirements of the cat are low, and the vocals are low as well. It showers attention toward its owners and has this constant need for consideration as well. It is intelligent, but not very docile and independent.
People need pets in their life because they either love animals or want to take in pets that are left as stray animals on the streets. However, not everyone can be around an animal, because of the allergies that they can get. In such a case hypoallergenic cat breeds are the right solution for them. They should buy cats and choose the right one, according to the needs of the family. There are some cats that are very affectionate and do well with other pets and children, but if you don’t have children or other pets, then Cornish Rex should be your first choice.