Small Cat Breeds Interesting Facts

Abyssinian Cat

The size: Cat weighing up to 5 kg, cat up to 4 kg

Wool length: Average

Color: Ruddy, red, blue, fawn

The Abyssinians are Small Cat Breeds but very smart and very inquisitive. They love to investigate and will not leave a single point of your home in different and unexplored. They are sometimes called thieves because they tend to take things that attract their interest. Playful Abyssinian cat loves to jump and climb. Keep a variety of toys on hand, including puzzles that challenge her intelligence.

This cat is always on the move, but sometimes she stops to curl up next to you on the couch or in bed. Despite her independence, she is better off living with another cat of the same kind, so she can also be active while the owner is not at home. Abyssinians love attention from you, children and get along well with other cats, as well as with other pets such as big parrots or ferrets.

Life span: 9 to 15 years old


Abyssinians have a so-called “labeled” coat, which alternates light and dark streaks of color on each hair. The warm glow of their fur resembles wild cats, like cougars. The main colors of Abyssinian wool: ruddy brown, red, blue and fawn. However, some cats come in other colors.

External signs

The Abyssinian has a wedge-shaped but rounded head with wide ears and almond-shaped eyes in shades of gold or green. His body is muscular and athletic, but slender and supported by thin bones of the legs.

Breed history

For the first time, an Abyssinian was exhibited in 1871 at a cat show in the Crystal Palace. He took third place. There is no record of the origin of that cat, but its owner said that it was brought from Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) during the war. Although this story gives the breed its name, genetic tests showed that Abyssinians came from coastal areas of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, brought to Europe by British and Dutch merchants.

They were first brought to the United States in 1900, but the breeding program was not implemented until the 1930s. Most of the cats of this Small Cat Breeds did not survive the destruction during the war in Europe, but thanks to their introduction into the USA, the breed returned to normal and steadily grew in popularity.

Breed Facts

  • Some call Abis “Blue Nile Cats”, believing that they are the sacred cat of the Egyptian pharaohs.
  • Others believe that the breed was created in Britain by crossing silver and brown striped stripes with “ticked” fur coats.
  • Somali cat is a relative of the Abyssinian cat.

Caring for the Abyssinians

A weekly haircut is enough to preserve Abi’s coat, but you may need to brush and bathe more often during the seasons to keep your coat well-groomed.


Although responsible catworms do their best to check and eliminate genetic health problems, cats can still develop certain diseases. Abyssinians have a higher risk for the following diseases:

  • Early periodontal disease
  • Hyperesthesia Syndrome
  • Knee dislocation
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Pyruvate kinase deficiency
  • Renal amyloidosis

American Curl


The size: Cat weighing up to 5 kg, cats weighing up to 3.5 kg

Wool length: Short and half long

Color: White, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac and other shades

American Curl has distinctive curled ears,  that form a graceful arc giving an alert, cheerful expression. This Small Cat Breeds are known as the “Peter Pan” due to its kitten-like personality throughout life. Curl has two varieties of coat: short-haired and long-haired. With its outstanding character, a curl is a people-oriented breed that is gentle and easily adaptable to other pets and children.

Breed Facts

The American curl cat has an autosomal dominant gene for ear curling, which is responsible for the famous twisted ears of the breed. Kittens are born with straight ears that begin to curl back after three to five days.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

The size: Cat weighing 4.5 kg, cats weighing up to 3.5 kg

Wool length: Short, very soft and silky.

Color: White, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lavender, silver, smoky and other shades. Cornish Rex with large ears, large eyes and a wavy coating has a characteristic appearance and exceptionally silky coat, since it does not have protective hairs like other breeds. This active Small Cat Breeds has a small, whip-like body and loves to climb, jump and run. With cat pranks that last a lifetime, this cat loves to be where the action takes place. Cornish Rex is ideal for those who want a cat to participate in their family life.

Breed Facts

July 21, 1950 in Cornwall, England, Nina Ennismore discovered that her domestic British shorthair tortoise-white cat named “Serena” gave birth to a cream-colored male with narrow rows of tiny curls similar to a miniature lamb. Ennismore named the kitten “Kallibunker” and the Rex breed, as it resembled the wavy hair of Astrex rabbits, which she had raised and put on display.

Devon rex

The size: Cat weighing up to 4.5 kg, cat weighing up to 3.5 kg

Wool length: short

Color: White, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lavender, cinnamon, and fawn, as well as various patterns and shades

Devon Rex is sometimes called the poodle, who purrs because of her curly hair and wagging tail when she is happy. Devon Rex, also known as the feline world pixie, has a pixel-like face and large inquisitive eyes. This unusually social cat is a wonderful family pet that gets along well with cats and dogs. A very active breed, Devon Rex is known for its clownish antics.

Breed Facts

Initially, it was believed that Devon Rex and Cornish Rex have the same spontaneous genetic mutation responsible for their curly integument. When breeders realized that cats had separate genetic variations, the first Cornish Rex were named Hex I Rex and Devon Rex were named Gen II Rex.

Oriental cat breed


The size: Cat weighing up to 4.5 kg, cat weighing up to 3.5 kg

Wool length: Short, long

Color: Blue, chestnut, cream, black and others

Oriental cat is an elegant cat with large sparkling ears and almond-shaped eyes. Playful, energetic breed, oriental cat has a bright personality. these Small Cat Breeds usually form a close relationship with one person. Those who experience the eastern feelings that she needs will find that she does everything to please them. It is a healthy breed that can live 15 years or longer.

Breed Facts

Originating in the 1950s, the oriental was selectively bred from Siamese. The breed has two varieties of hair, short-haired and long-haired, both of which can appear in the litter. Oriental longhair is actually of medium length and is considered rare.


The size: Cat weighing up to 4.5 kg, cat weighing up to 3.5 kg

Wool length: hairless

Elegant bare peterbold is a sporting breed that looks like it plays an air ballet when it plays. This very smart, social cat gets along well with adults, children, dogs and other pets, but does not like to be alone for long periods. The curiosity and energetic character of the peterbold is spectacular, and her affectionate disposition makes her a favorite companion.

Breed Facts

The length of the coat ranges from smooth bald to short brushed wool. Kittens are usually born with hair, but lose hair as they grow older, which can take up to two years. Despite the lack of hair, peterbalds should be wiped regularly to remove greasy oils that accumulate on their skin and can become sticky to the touch.

Russian blue breed of cats

Weight: Up to 6 kg

Wool length: Short

Color: Blue with silver tips

The Russian Blue Cat is gentle, quiet and even shy among strangers, but it is affectionate and loyal to its people. She will follow you and even ride on your shoulder.

She can have fun staying at home alone, but loves to play games with her masters. You can also see how she jumps and climbs to watch everything from above. If you need an alarm clock, this cat relies on a routine and wakes you up every morning so you don’t miss breakfast. She is tolerant of children and other pets.

Russian blue breed

Life span: 10 to 15 years old


Although these Small Cat Breeds may be gray, this color is called blue at cat shows. The ends of their fur are silver, so her coat glistens in the light.

External signs

Russian blue has a unique body type. It is known as “semi alien” and is located between short and dense rocks, such as Persian and angular, such as Siamese. She has a medium-sized wedge-shaped head with large pointed ears. Her round, wide-set green eyes are stunning, and her long neck and strong muscular body are covered with a short thick plush wool coat.

Breed history

The exact origin of the breed is unknown, but many believe that these cats come from Russia based on their warm double coat. The blue Russians probably arrived in England and Europe in the mid-1800s by boat from the continent. They were first shown in 1875 in London, competing with other blue cats. However, in 1912 they were given their own class for competitions.

After World War II, English and Scandinavian breeders worked to revive the breed by crossbreeding with the same Small Cat Breeds as British Shorthair and Siamese blue. Later, North American breeders imported Russian cats of both Small Cat Breeds in order to achieve the best characteristics of each of them.


  • Some Russian blue kittens are born with a hint of stripes known as “ghost stripes”. These stripes are a tribute to the tabby gene that all cats carry, although they usually disappear with age.
  • The Cat Lovers Association (CFA) accepts Russian cats with blue coat only, but other associations accept them in other colors, including white and black.
  • Some believe that the breed came from cats of Russian tsars.
  • They are sometimes called “cat-archangels” after their origin on the islands of the archangels.