16 Fun Facts About Maine Coon Cats You Might Not Know

Maine Coon cats are one of the most beloved and one of the oldest natural breeds in the cat world. They are a large, longhaired breed of cat that originated in Maine, United States. While these cats are incredibly popular, there are still some interesting facts about Maine coon cats that you may need to learn. 

What is known is that in the late 1800’s the Maine Coon was quite the cat in cat shows, and today is considered to be the second most popular cat breed to own.  Here are some Maine coon cat facts you might not know:

A Maine Coon holds the record for the longest cat

One of the most interesting facts about Maine Coon cats is that they are the largest domesticated cat breed in the world. They can grow up to 4 feet long and weigh up to 25 pounds.

Barivel is an Italian Maine Coon cat who holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest domestic cat. The feline measured 120 cm (3 ft. 11.2 inches) from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail when he was measured in August 2018.

He lives with his owners, Cinzia Tinnirello and Edgar Scandurra, in Vigevano, near Milan. In 2018, Barivel dethroned another Maine Coon named Ludo, 118.33 cm (3 ft. 10.5 in) long when measured on 6 Oct 2015.

Meet the longest Maine coon cat Barivel




The history of Maine coon cats is still a mystery

The exact origin of the Maine Coon cat is shrouded in mystery, but there are many theories or rumors about the origin of the beautiful cat breed.

One of the rumors involves Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France. Before her execution during French revolution, she attempted to escape aboard a ship captained by Samuel Clough…she sent all of her prized possessions on ahead, including her favorite six pet cats…sadly Marie did not make it to America, but her cats did…mating with local cats in Wiscasset Maine, and from this evolved the Maine Coon, but nothing is for certain.

Another such theory is that they result from breeding between local short haired domestic cats and longhaired cats brought over by European settlers.

Some people also believe the name Maine Coon comes from the fact that the cats were bred to survive the cold winters of Maine. This theory claims the cats’ long fur and heavy coats were developed to help them survive the cold weather.

Maine coons known as Ship Cats

One of the most interesting facts about Maine Coon cats is that they were once known as “ship cats.” During the 19th century, these cats were brought on ships to help keep the rat population down.

The sailors believed that the Maine Coon cats’ long hair and large size made them the perfect to catch mice.

Maine coons known as gentle giants

Maine Coon cats are known for their friendly, social personalities. They are often described as “gentle giants” due to their large size and gentle nature. They are sweet and friendly and enjoy interaction with their owners, making them a popular choice for families with children.

Maine Coons are also incredibly loyal and affectionate. They are known for cuddling up with their owners and following them around the house. They are also known for their vocalizations, ranging from a chirp to a meow.


Facts About Maine Coon Cats


Maine coon is an official state cat of Maine

In 1985, the Maine Coon cat was declared the official state cat of Maine. This was done to recognize the cat breed’s unique history and importance to the state.

Maine Coons are the most Intelligent cat breed

Maine Coon cats are known for their intelligence. They can quickly learn commands and tricks and pick up on their owners’ cues, which makes them most popular breed. Maine Coons can be trained to perform tricks and even walk on a leash. They are also known for their playful nature and ability to get along with other animals and people.

Maine Coons are very talkative

Maine Coon cats are not known to be particularly talkative than other cat breeds. They make various sounds, including chirps and trills, but they typically only meow sometimes.

The large felines may even use their sounds to let their humans know when they want something, such as attention or food. They are Extremely loyal and love to be around their owners, which makes them great pets.

You can adopt a Maine Coon

If you don’t have enough money to buy a Maine Coon cat. Don’t worry. You can adopt a Maine Coon. There are various shelters and rescue groups throughout the world that offer Maine Coons for adoption. There are many websites which will help you find Maine Coons that are available in your area.

A Maine Coon featured in the Harry Potter series

In the Harry Potter films, a large, grey tabby cat owned by Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mrs. Norris, was a Maine coon breed. The Maine coon cat is an exceptionally loyal and vicious feline, often used by Filch to patrol the school and detect rule-breakers.

Maine Coons come in various colors

The Maine Coon come in over 74 colors and patterns, including solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, and harlequin. Common colors include black, white, red, blue, silver, and brown.

Maine Coon cats can also be found in various tabby patterns, including classic, mackerel, and spotted. Some rarer colors include lilac, cinnamon, fawn, and chocolate. Their price usually depends on their color and pattern combinations.



Maine Coons are known for their health

Maine Coon cats are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they are prone to certain health problems. Some common health concerns in this breed include hip dysplasia, heart disease, and ear infections. These seems to be inherited issues with some Main Coons.

It is important to keep up with regular veterinary check-ups and screenings to ensure your Maine Coon cat stays healthy and happy. Maine Coon food is also important to keep them healthy, but overfeeding can lead to obesity. The biggest Maine Coon cat recorded ever was Himmy, 46.95 lb.

A Maine Coon was cloned for commercial purposes

In 2004, Little Nicky, a Maine Coon kitten, was cloned for commercial purposes. A Texas woman paid $50,000 for her previous cat Nicky to be cloned after he died in 2003, aged 15. It was the first time when cloned pet was sold.

Maine Coons love water!

Thanks to their water-resistant fur, Maine Coon cats love water. They enjoy playing in the water, and some even enjoy swimming. They are among the few domestic cats that willingly approach water and do not hesitate to play in it. Some Maine coon owners have reported that their cats will actually dip their front paws in their water bowl or jump into the bathtub!

Maine Coon can survive harsh winters

Maine Coons are well-adapted to cold weather and can survive harsh winters. They have thick and long coats that provide insulation and protection from the cold. Large Maine Coon size helps them to conserve body heat. Additionally, Maine Coons have a special adaptation that helps them to survive cold temperatures: a tuft of longer fur on their ears that acts like a built-in earmuff.

Maine Coons need regular care and maintenance

The long and shaggy coats of Maine Coon cats requiring regular grooming to maintain their health and appearance. It is important to brush your Maine Coon cat regularly to prevent the matting and tangling of the fur. They must also be given plenty of playtime and interactive Maine Coon toys to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Maine Coons as Therapy Cats

The Maine Coon’s friendly and gentle nature, combined with its intelligence and adaptability, makes it an excellent candidate for therapy cat work. Therapy cats provide comfort, companionship, and emotional support to individuals in various settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

Maine Coons, with their affectionate and sociable personalities, can quickly form bonds with individuals in need of emotional support, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Their large size and sturdy build also make them well-suited to handling the demands of therapy work, as they can tolerate handling by multiple people and are not easily startled or overwhelmed by new environments.