Short Hair Maine Coon Cat Myth vs Reality

Short hair Maine Coon

Are you drawn to warm and fuzzy advertisements of short hair Maine Coon kittens for sale? If yes, then this article is for you to save you from being defrauded. Because purebred Maine Coon cats are known for their long, flowing coats, so if a cat has short hair, it’s most likely a mix or not a Maine Coon at all.

Characteristics of Maine Coon Coat

Header 1 Header 2
Length Medium to long
Fur Features Smooth, shaggy
Patterns Solid, tabby, tortoiseshell
Color 75 colors including black, blue, cream, white, red, silver
Grooming Regular grooming

Maine Coon cat breed has a unique and distinctive lustrous coat that sets them apart from other cat breeds. Here are some of the characteristics of Maine Coon fur:


Maine Coons have medium to long hair that can grow up to 6 inches long in some areas of their body. Maine Coon’s fur length does vary across the Maine Coons body, however, with the undersides of their body often having shorter hair, compared to the long hair around their neck, chest, belly, and tail.


Maine Coons have a thick, double-layered coat that provides insulation and protection against the cold.

Ruffs and ear tufts

Maine Coons have distinctive ruffs of fur around their necks, as well as tufts of fur on the tips of their ears.


Their fur is silky and soft but has a coarse texture due to the longer guard hairs that protect their soft undercoat.

Water resistance

Their fur is also water-resistant, which helps to keep them dry when walking through wet environments or swimming.

Colors and patterns

Maine Coons come in approximately 75 colors and patterns, including black, white, grey or blue, cream, red, and silver, among others. They can have solid colors, tabby stripes, or a combination of both.

Maine Coons come in a variety of color patterns, including solid, tabby, tortoise, bicolor, and calico. The color combination is one of the determinants of high Maine Coon prices.

Why Do Maine Coons Have Such Long Hair?

Maine Coons have long medium to long hair as a result of their adaptation to their natural environment. They are a breed of cat that originates from the cold climate of Maine, USA. The long and Maine Coons thick fur help to insulate them from the harsh winters, keep them warm regulate body temperature.

The Maine Coon’s long coat protects them from the summer sun, shielding their delicate skin from direct sunlight that may cause sunburn. The thick fur of the Maine Coon serves to retain moisture, thus maintaining the skin’s hydration.

Furthermore, Maine Coons are known for their large size and muscular build, and their long hair adds to their impressive appearance. Their flowing coats also help them to blend in with their surroundings when hunting prey, making them more effective hunters.

Short hair Maine Coon

Can Maine Coons be short haired?

It’s very uncommon for purebred Maine Coons to have short hair than usual. But still, Maine Coons can have short hair. Here is why:

Breeding with Other Breeds

Maine Coons can be bred with other short haired cats, resulting in offspring with shorter hair. For example, if a Maine Coon is bred with a shorthair breed like a Siamese, British shorthair, Burmese or American shorthair, the resulting kittens may have shorter hair than their purebred Maine Coon counterparts.

Younger Maine Coons

Maine Coon kittens are born with shorter hair than adult Maine Coons, which means that a Maine Coon kitten may initially appear to have shorter hair. However, as the kitten grows and develops, their hair will likely become longer and more luxurious.


The health of a Maine coon’s coat and hair length can be an indicator of its nutrient intake. If a Maine Coon cat has short hair, it may be an indication of poor nutrition and deficiencies. To ensure the cat is receiving the proper nourishment, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for an assessment. Maine Coons hairs need proper and healthy Maine Coon food to avoid hair loss.

Allergies or infections

Maine Coon allergies, along with parasites and fungal infections like ringworm, can make these cats susceptible to skin diseases, resulting in patchy hair loss. For example, flea bites can cause your Maine Coon cat to scratch patches of fur off their body.

How can one identify if a cat is a purebred Maine Coon or a mix?

If you are considering adopting a Maine Coon cat, it’s important to know how to tell if a cat is a purebred Maine Coon or a mix. While some Maine Coon mixes can have the same long fur as purebred Maine Coons, others may have shorter hair or different physical characteristics. Here are some tips for identifying a purebred Maine Coon:

Body Shape

Maine Coons are known for their large, muscular bodies. They have broad chests, long bodies, and thick, fluffy tails. If a cat has a body shape that resembles a Maine Coon, it’s more likely to be a Maine Coon mix.

Facial Features

Maine Coons have distinctive facial features, including high cheekbones, large, expressive eyes, and tufts of fur on their ears. If a cat has these features, it’s more likely to be a Maine Coon mix.

Coat Texture

While Maine Coons with short hair may not have the same luxurious coat as their long-haired counterparts, they still have a thick, dense coat with a soft texture. If a cat’s coat is thin and wispy, it’s less likely to be a Maine Coon. If a cat looks like a short-haired Maine Coon, it is more likely to be a Maine Coon mix or a younger coon cat.

Short hair Maine Coon

Grooming requirements of Maine Coon cats

The Maine Coon’s coat requires regular grooming and maintenance to keep it in good condition. It is recommended to brush the cat every 2-3 days and trim the coat when necessary to prevent the formation of hairballs and to remove matted hair.

Establishing a routine of Maine Coon cat grooming at the same time each day can help make it part of the cat’s daily routine. Reinforcing the desired behavior with rewards such as treats, Maine Coon toys, or verbal praise can help make grooming more enjoyable for the cat.

Can I Trim off Maine Coon Hair?

It’s important to note that, ultimately, the decision to shave a Maine Coon cat is up to the individual owner. While it is generally not recommended, there may be certain circumstances where shaving the cat’s fur is necessary or beneficial.

For example, if the cat has severely matted fur that cannot be managed through grooming alone, shaving may be the best option to remove matted fur. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and drawbacks of shaving a cat before deciding. In any case, it’s always a good idea to seek advice from a veterinarian or professional groomer to ensure that the cat’s well-being and comfort are taken into account.

Do Maine Coons Shed a Lot?

Maine Coons are known for their long, silky coats, and like all cats, they do shed. However, whether or not they shed a lot depends on various factors, such as the season, genetics, and the individual cat’s health.

During the shedding season, which can occur twice a year, they may loose hair more heavily than usual to make way for a new coat. However, compared to other long haired cats, such as Persians or Himalayans, Maine Coons tend to shed less. This is because they have a different type of coat that is less prone to matting and tangling.

It’s worth mentioning that some Maine Coons may shed more than others due to individual differences in their genetics and health. A healthy Maine Coon with a well-balanced diet and regular grooming should not shed excessively.